Smart Industries
Just-In-Time Vocational Training
smartLXP enables new workforce skill training – just-in-time, in a lean and agile way.
We help technicians and engineers to master new work tasks, so that organizations can respond flexibly to new demands – lean and agile.
At GigaAI, we believe that anyone can become an expert.
We develop vocational educational technology to enable personalized learning, regardless of education level, anyone can master new tasks just-in-time.

smartLXP Dual Platform
Theory and Practical Training

smartLXP – the first dual Vocational Training Platform provides a seamless fusion of theory and practical work task execution.
We offer a range of tools for On-Demand workforce training, including practical work task execution with Learning-by-Vision.
We develope customized Education Technology solutions and offer consulting services.
We strive to provide vocational education institutes and smart industries with the best solutions and services to address the skills shortage and increase their efficiency.
Contact us for customized solutions and more information.
Training Module Examples
A smart engineer activities include robotics and cybernetics, scientific knowledge and practical skills. As well as analytical abilities to indentify and formulate emerging problem and solving tasks, as well as R&D activities.
The quantum engineer develops control solutions for quantum technologies, which range from hard- to software tools for mechanics, electronic systems engineering, as well as computer and physical sciences.
The NDT inspecton is important in many industries e.g. Oil & Gas, Automotive and Aviation Construction. The knowledge of the NDT Inspector includes Engineering, QM, Statistic Analysis and Information Technology.
The environment of the smart Technician is the Smart Factory. The training modules include Machine Technician, Physic-Technician and advanced IT & Cyber Security, Cyber-Physic System Orchestration and Digital Twin.
GigaAI provides the best learning solutions and support for people from all walks of life around the world. By providing affordable and accessible technologies powered by AI, learning content is personalized and can adapt to the learner – we call it edutainment! Over the next few years, learners in higher education and at work will interact with many more new technologies. GigaAI is developing these technologies for the learning of tomorrow! Imagine a world where thousands of engineers, product developers, designers and changemakers contribute to society because they now have the knowledge they need. GigaAI provides the necessary knowledge!
For all inquiries, service and press requests, please fill out here our Contact Form or connect with us on LinkedIn and we will get back to you promptly.